Rogaland Education and Training Committee visits Omega 365
Omega 365 in Haugesund welcomed the Education and Training Committee of Rogaland County Municipality to the office for discussions on IT apprenticeships, training programs, and industry needs.
Published: 04. February 2025 (2).jpg)
The discussions covered Omega 365’s role as an apprenticeship company within IT, the mutual benefits of practical training for apprentices and businesses, and the potential influence of the new vocational certificate on the IT industry.
Among the visitors were Anne Kristin Bruns from the Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian Democratic Party - KrF), who chairs the Training Committee, along with Emilie Bersaas von Essen from the Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party - Ap), Pål Morten Borgli from the Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party - FrP), and Bente Bro Milwertz Slettebø from the Senterpartiet (Centre Party - Sp). Additionally, Section Manager Jofrid Fludal and a representative from the Training Office participated.
During their tour of Omega 365's facilities, the delegation met with an apprentice and a certified worker, gaining firsthand insight into the training process.
“Silje Sandven and I work closely on the apprenticeship program, and it was valuable to exchange insights with the committee. It was a great opportunity to share our experiences and learn from theirs,” says Vidar Nordnes, Department Manager at Omega 365 Solutions in Haugesund.
The visit highlighted the value of strong collaboration between businesses and educational institutions, contributing to ongoing improvements in training and recruitment efforts.