Control project changes

Change Management is the process that ensures all changes made to a project’s baselined scope, cost, time or agreed benefits are captured, evaluated, approved, and managed, to reduce a negative impact to the project.

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The Change module can be used to manage two important and interrelated project management processes:

Change Management

A structured process to control project changes: through identification, evaluation, approval, and follow-up of related actions of any changes which may affect the baselined scope, schedule, quality, or cost of a project.

Management of Change (MOC)

Evaluation of the risk and potential Health, Safety, Environment, and/or Production impacts for any proposed changes to existing or planned facilities.

Manage Change

Structured MOC Workflow

Assign roles

Track related actions

Keep control

Avoid uncontrolled scope creep and related cost or schedule overruns

Uncontrolled changes are one of the most common causes of project delays and cost overruns. By providing an easy to use and structured process, this risk can be significantly reduced.


Reduce the risk of HSE incidents related to implementing changes

Any change to an existing or planned facility has the potential to impact the safety of either construction or operational personnel. It is essential that these risks are assessed, and mitigating actions implemented as part of a controlled management of change (MOC) process.

Improve efficiency by providing a consistent approach to managing changes across all projects and facilities

The Change Management system allows for a defined and structured approach to be implemented to manage change, ensuring the key roles are involved. This approach can be implemented throughout all projects and allows for improved efficiency and organisational learning.



Structured MOC Workflow

Management of Change provides a structured and staged approach to dealing with project changes in a controlled and consistent manner. The step-by-step workflow provides steps for identification, evaluation, approval, and follow-up of related actions.

Assign roles

Involve the applicable stakeholders in the process of assessing the potential impacts of a change, along with formally recording its approval or rejection. The following roles may be assigned to staff; Change Sponsor, Change Owner, Reviewers, and Approvers.

Track related actions

Both pre-approval and post-approval actions can be assigned and tracked through to completion.

Keep control

Unless properly managed, even seemingly minor changes to a project’s scope can result in unforeseen risks to personnel and hamper the ability to meet delivery goals.

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Alf Audun Vetvik

Alf Audun Vetvik

Solution Expert

Johnny Vik

Johnny Vik

Solution Expert
